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Blank Map Project












In life we are giving a blank map, there is no right or wrong path but the one route that must always be taken is that of integrity. The goal in completing this Master's project is to create an honest future through knowledge, craftsmanship and innovation.

The vision lies in not creating more profits, waste and environmental destruction, but using traditions of the past and responsibility of the future to create a new definition of sustainable fashion.

The purpose of this Masters project is to show Kristen's dedication to the research, study and education of sustainable approaches and their social, ecologic and economic impacts of the fur industry, from the fur industry’s standpoint. She began by researching the history and use of fur, then by  analyzing  the  production chain of the  fur industry: farming, trade, tanning and dying, design and end use.

An increase in the knowledge surrounding sustainability in the fur industry will allow designers, and consumers alike, to make educated and responsible decisions when choosing fur. This increase in sustainable knowledge will encourage fresh, relevant communication and dialogue that will attract a new generation of educated consumers.

The Thesis consisted of two perspectives: The first was what to do with the future of fur? Through focusing on improving the dressing and dyeing process we can lessen the environmental impact.  A German leather research institute found a way to replace the use of chromium used in the tanning process with olive leaves, creating a natural tanning alternative.  Based on the success with leather, Kristen worked with a fur tannery to develop this process for fur. The second part, which is shown above focused on what to do with existing fur and leather.  For this Kristen used materials that were damaged or left-over from the production process to create a new line of wearable accessories.

All of the materials were available and leftover from damaged production from Saga Furs, Ecopell and The Loser Project 


Photographer: Camilla Storgaard

Model: Carina Noack 


The collection uses the materials of pieced leather and fur.  The main colors are natural browns with the pop colors pink, green, blue and orange.  The collection is playful but luxurious at the same time.  The fur is “hidden”, used as lining on inside the pieces to provide the convenience and function it was intended for; comfort and warmth. The idea is to use the element of protection mixed with something that is usually soft and delicate – creating innovative but unexpected products.  These items are designed for a very niche market, one that appreciates rare quality materials, craftsmanship and something unique that tells a story.  The collection is made to represent a vision of what this could mean to use the profits from available materials to fund the research for future improvement.

MA Thesis Collection

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