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Positive Impact, Cradle to Cradle Concept










This project was sponsored by Trevira fiber company and aims to develop a tox-free garment scenario in a closed system. In the design process, an intensive look at both the technological and biological system is required. The use of one system  as well as services to collect the items after use, needs to be implemented. By using a polyester material as well as trimmings, the garment can be recycled in one piece without sacrificing the quality of the polyester. The students worked in teams to develop a holistic way of thinking using the cradle-to-cradle systems, exploring today‘s possibilities and accessing needs and visions for the future.

In our present society people are constantly buying new, they didn’t want to create something that replaces something else; a new jacket that replaces something already in the wearer’s closet.  They wanted it to be an addition that the user finds comfort and a sense of attachment to.  A cape is used to conceal and if big enough could be used as a blanket, therefore creating a sense of security as well as warmth to the user. It also doesn’t replace anything the user already has it can be worn with other items as well as for multi-purposes.  The “fur “ polyester twists would represent the fur or warmth and would be sew in the seams, coming out to express the idea that luxury is something that come’s from within.

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